Was gonna mention the scream. Try to avoid that when you can. It sounds bad. You guys still need some work, but you are getting there. Most of the topic discussions were good though. A bit long talking about what you were watching recently. I already watched most of those shows, though some of them suck. Won't say which ones though.
Ears are still bleeding sorry. OK joke aside let me say my peace.
-Kenji speak a little louder if you are too far away from the mic. -Don't read off the paper so much. Makes it sound more natural. -If you have the link for the news put it. Don't just say google it. -Harima sorry dude. Farts are not that funny all the time. And watch the ummms and uhhhs. -I read Berserk. Claymore is Berserk for women. -Ikkitousen is not that good...sorry. -You guys say legit a lot. Word of the night or something? lol -Yeah a good while describing your past life OF. If you want to try some more horror try out Jigoku Shoujo(Hell Girl) if you haven't seen it. Ai Yori Aoshi is good. Your gonna have to read the manga though. -Still...going.... -Its best to get all of this out of the way...I'll wait... -Finally... -Yeah umm and uhhs dude. -Dead air sucks. Cut it when you are able to. -Very nice you guys acknowledge the english voice actors. -Don't listen to my Code Geass episode. Its me saying a lot of spoilers. -I'm a Gundam lover. So.... -Dont interrupt when people are trying to make a point. -What a tweest! -OF you like to talk, so you are perfect as the moderator. -I have my stories about Vic.... -Guy who said “Spooge” (Chris Patton's best role) -MOTTO MOTTO (Listening to JAM Project now) -Yeah my XBOX red-ringed when I wanted to play Dead Rising. I haven't had any problems with the PS3. All I've been playing nowadays. -Ok for that break. You have cut it out and redo that part, but that is your judgment.(...or you can play a podcast promo...) -I want eggs for some reason now... -I wanted to watch Ms March. -KILL IT WITH FIRE -Harima Im gonna start a counter soon. -Ah Yamato I've wanted to watch that. -Big O old? wow... -I think he was talking about the Shin Mazinger Z. Shows good. This current one is a reboot so it's not too hard to get into it. -Nostagia glasses killed Voltron for me. Tried out Golion though. Very different. -Show is legal to use. -Ah like this song. Could have done a little fade in to make the transition better. -Ok last point I promise. -I lied. -Now I understand that this is you show. But the issue that was brought up in your club before is still here. Some of you just throw random expletives. Tone it down a notch. I can curse up a storm, but if there is a serious point I want to make I do my best to be as professional as I can. Again your show, but that can be a factor that can make you lose listeners.
Ok I'm done. Just message me on MAL or something if you think I am out of line on something.
This podcast is for all otakus. We will discuss just about every topic. Such as games, anime, manga and yes hentai. Like I said all otakus are welcome and we don't discriminate. We try to focus on what you want. We want to be a podcast where you can find information, hear about the latest news from japan etc. This club was made because there are too many podcasts out there with so little topics and views. So why should you have to pod hop to get all the information you wanted to hear about.
Was gonna mention the scream. Try to avoid that when you can. It sounds bad. You guys still need some work, but you are getting there. Most of the topic discussions were good though. A bit long talking about what you were watching recently. I already watched most of those shows, though some of them suck. Won't say which ones though.
ReplyDeleteEars are still bleeding sorry. OK joke aside let me say my peace.
ReplyDelete-Kenji speak a little louder if you are too far away from the mic.
-Don't read off the paper so much. Makes it sound more natural.
-If you have the link for the news put it. Don't just say google it.
-Harima sorry dude. Farts are not that funny all the time. And watch the ummms and uhhhs.
-I read Berserk. Claymore is Berserk for women.
-Ikkitousen is not that good...sorry.
-You guys say legit a lot. Word of the night or something? lol
-Yeah a good while describing your past life OF. If you want to try some more horror try out Jigoku Shoujo(Hell Girl) if you haven't seen it. Ai Yori Aoshi is good. Your gonna have to read the manga though.
-Its best to get all of this out of the way...I'll wait...
-Yeah umm and uhhs dude.
-Dead air sucks. Cut it when you are able to.
-Very nice you guys acknowledge the english voice actors.
-Don't listen to my Code Geass episode. Its me saying a lot of spoilers.
-I'm a Gundam lover. So....
-Dont interrupt when people are trying to make a point.
-What a tweest!
-OF you like to talk, so you are perfect as the moderator.
-I have my stories about Vic....
-Guy who said “Spooge” (Chris Patton's best role)
-MOTTO MOTTO (Listening to JAM Project now)
-Yeah my XBOX red-ringed when I wanted to play Dead Rising. I haven't had any problems with the PS3. All I've been playing nowadays.
-Ok for that break. You have cut it out and redo that part, but that is your judgment.(...or you can play a podcast promo...)
-I want eggs for some reason now...
-I wanted to watch Ms March.
-Harima Im gonna start a counter soon.
-Ah Yamato I've wanted to watch that.
-Big O old? wow...
-I think he was talking about the Shin Mazinger Z. Shows good. This current one is a reboot so it's not too hard to get into it.
-Nostagia glasses killed Voltron for me. Tried out Golion though. Very different.
-Show is legal to use.
-Ah like this song. Could have done a little fade in to make the transition better.
-Ok last point I promise.
-I lied.
-Now I understand that this is you show. But the issue that was brought up in your club before is still here. Some of you just throw random expletives. Tone it down a notch. I can curse up a storm, but if there is a serious point I want to make I do my best to be as professional as I can. Again your show, but that can be a factor that can make you lose listeners.
Ok I'm done. Just message me on MAL or something if you think I am out of line on something.